English to Persian Typing Online Tool

Wish to type in Persian? We have come up with a tool naming "English to Persian Typing Tool" to make it easy for you all to type in Persian. You all can type in Persian by this tool even without having any experience in the Persian language.

The translation at most takes hardly a few seconds and permits up to 500 characters to be translated in one appeal. It is the most uncomplicated and easy way to type in Persian just by your English Keyboard. So, let’s start typing Persian on our English keyboard following the below-mentioned steps.






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Steps To Write In Persian Using Your English Keyboard

1.  Enter any word in English like – how [Press Space] are [Press Space] you [Press Space]

2.  It will convert it to – چطور هستید

3.  By just following these easiest steps, you can start typing in Persian.

If you believe that your entered word doesn’t contest with a craved word, then press backspace 2 times, it will manifest more proposal.

The History of Persian Language:

In natural, the Persian speeches are called from three stages, particularly Old, Middle, and New. These dovetail to three authentic ages of Persian history- Old age being occasionally over the Achaemenid authority (i.e., 400–300 BC), Middle age being the second span most formally over the Sasanian authority, and New age being the span later on down to current days which are as follows:

Old Persian

As a drafted speech, Old Persian is authenticated in aristocratic Achaemenid engravings. The earliest notorious text written in Old Persian is from the Behistun engraving, determined to the light of Emperor Darius. Illustration of Old Persian has been beginning in what is now Iran, Romania, Armenia, Bahrain, Iraq, Turkey, and Egypt. Old Persian is the earliest Indo-European speeches which are authenticated in real content.

Akin to Old Persian, but from several bureaus of the Iranian speech clan, was Avestan, the speech of the Zoroastrian ritualistic content.

Middle Persian

Middle Persian refined to express some of the kindred amid altercation that has been adrift with the adaption of the introductory linguistic arrangement. Albeit the "middle span" of the Iranian speeches regularly started with the fall of the Achaemenid authority, the conversion from Old to Middle Persianhad apparently already started before the 4th centenary BC. Middle Persian is investigated to be a posterior design of the duplicate accent as Old Persian. Middle Persian is not authenticated until much later, in the 6th or 7th centenary.

The speeches of the Shahnameh shall be observed as one adduce of unceasing factual advancement from Middle to New Persian.

New Persian

New or Modern Persian is orderly refuted into three laps:

1.  Early New Persian (8th/9th centenaries)

2.  Classical Persian (10th–18th centenaries)

3.  Contemporary Persian (19th century to centenaries)

• Early New Persian

"New Persian" is seized to restore Middle Persian in the chase of the 8th to 9th centenaries, beneath Abbasid decree. The deterioration of the Abbasids launched the atonement of Persian civil activity and Persians set the authority for renewal in the dimension of majuscule. In the later Middle Era, contemporary Islamic poetry speeches were made on the Persian exemplary.

• Classical Persian

"Classical Persian" almost indicate the regularized speech of Gothic Persia used in Poetry. This is the speech of the 10th to 12th centenary, which pursued to be worn as classical speech and lingua franca beneath the demonstrated Turku-Mongol regime amid the 12th to 15th centenaries, and under replaced Persian decree amid the 16th to 19th centenaries.

• Contemporary Persian

In the 19th centenary, beneath the Qajar regime, the accent that is announced in Tehran rose to the headland. There was still sizable Arabic cant, but plenty of these altercations have been unified into Persian elocution and principles. In extension, beneath the Qajar decree several Russian, French, and English charges enrolled the Persian speech, exclusively lexicon related to mechanics. 

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